See Flint and Steel VIDEO here.
Obtaining an ember on properly charred tinder from flint and steel is extremely satisfying. Like most individuals who have this interest I have amassed quite a collection of steel strikers. Each with its own shape, qualities and heft. Something about each of them however was deficient. I wanted to create my own unique yet superior version. What resulted was the D Striker.
Working closely with an outstanding blacksmith, numerous styles, weights, shapes and materials were prototyped, as depicted below. Each labeled and tested in a blinded manner.

My family’s patience was tried, being asked repeatedly to step into a pitch black basement or outside in the dark to objectify each steels sparking ability. Records were kept about which type most reliably emitted sparks that reached the ground from a standing position. The actual ability to ignite an ember was also quantified. This testing was performed in a series as heat treatment parameters changed with each batch.
Finally, 1075 high carbon steel was found to yield the best results. As it turned out however, the best sparking ability was yet to be found. More testing ensued. Quenching in water, quenching in oil, with tempering at different temperatures, and no temper at all were all tried. Rockwell hardness and sparking ability in a blinded manner were done with each batch. Finally we both agreed what combination provided the best results.
Offered in two sizes, the craftsmanship and effectiveness of the DeEvolution D Striker will offer lifetimes of reliable sparking. With an understanding of properly charred tinder as described in Flint and Steel, and with practice blowing this precious ember into flame, actual fire is achievable by anyone and one of the more satisfying woodscrafting tasks imaginable.
Small - 3 oz. 3" x 1.75"
Large - 4 oz. 3.75" x 2.25"
These D Strikers are extremely hard, at the sacrifice of toughness. They are made this way to yield the best sparks, thus bolstering your ability to create an ember. If they are dropped on rocks, or a concrete floor they may break.