: “The noble pursuit of reverting to a simpler life, competent operation of simple tools, and relearning a humanistic skill set, thus bolstering survival probability, contributing to life enrichment, and offering advancement of our species. While looking and feeling legit”.DeEvolution is a concept. One of reverting to a simpler, more skilled existence. In essence, it represents an evolution of knowledge and practiced outdoor activities. Founded by lifelong woodsman and physician Bayne French, DeEvolution is a melding of improvements, originality, science, trial, research, necessity, and a constant quest for eclectic capability in the outdoors. Dr. French’s passion for wild places and durable gear has been honed across Canada, Alaska, and Montana. In some of the gnarliest mountain and tundra environments in the world he readily admits to having spent an abundance of time cold, hungry, lonely, bitten, wet and scared. And through this discomfort deficiencies of skill and gear were realized, technique altered, and betterment achieved. His purpose now is to offer these insights through literature, education, and utilitarian gear of the highest quality.
Whether referred to as bushcraft, fieldcraft, survival or any of several other monikers their subtle differences matter not to us. They don’t represent a destination, or a “someday achievement” but rather a slow and consistent accumulation and honing of numerous skills. And the tools and knowledge necessary for the development of these skills are available through DeEvolution. All that is needed is the desire and willingness to try new things, make mistakes, try again, learning all along, improving. We wish to help spark an idea of what you can become in reclaiming the skills and possessing knowledge that many in each of your lineages readily possessed and passed on but which slowly extincted over time.
No portrayal as experts will occur. If anything, we align with the anti-expert. Nor is DeEvolution a complete site for all things outdoors. It certainly is not an exhaustive repository of products. Its offerings are well researched and made with great thought, in some cases occurring over many years, and in partnership with visionary craftpersons. Dozens of flakes were encountered, and hundreds of dead-ends and disappointments were navigated, resulting in this group of skilled individuals we are privileged to work with. Additional items and literature will be offered over time. Selectively and mindfully.
We don’t codify. We don’t marginalize. All are welcome. We crave authenticity and want to offer that to you. Whether you were subject to hover parents or a metropolitan upbringing devoid of nature; advancing age; health and mobility restriction; any number of self-imposed restrictions; or just simply limited access to our natural world, shuck them like a cloak. Curate for yourselves. Commencing with action may be the best way to find out what you are capable of. If developing basic outdoor skills is an interest, then obtain simple quality product, basic instruction, and proceed with great joy. If you are already very experienced it is our hope that quality, new, and practical product and literature will be found. Whoever you are, fear not failure. On the other side of struggle is betterment. Enjoy your own DeEvolution process.